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Active Ingredients


American Ginsenosides

Name: American ginseng saponins
Origin: Panax quinque folium L. ROOT
Spec: 30%--80%
Appearance: Light-yellow powder
American ginseng is used as a energy booster and to improve circulation as well as strengthen immune system. It works on the spleens and lungs The spleen assimilates external energy and transforms it into internal energy. The lungs govern the body's physiological energy and distributes around the body. Even if you are not ill, ginseng can help increase your vitality, improve your energy level and promote general good health. The major difference between panax red ginseng and American ginseng is its potency. American ginseng has a milder qi boosting effect and so is suitable for people of all ages and conditions. American ginseng is mainly used for clearing the body's inner heat and tonifying the qi. Our bodies accumulate inner heat when we consume too much fried or spicy foods, don't get enough sleep, or during the hot summer months. American ginseng is good for gently boosting your energy level and for helping to overcome the irritability that comes from lack of sleep, or to help the acne resulting from too much fried foods.

Package: 1KG/bag 25KG/durm

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Clicks:  Update time:2013-03-15
Previous:Hyaluronic acid

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Name:Xi’an Herbking Biotechnology Co., Ltd
Add:District E,Ziweitianyuandushi,Gaoxin District Xi’an 710075 China
Tel:+86-29-65656900 81885682
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